Reasons To Update Your Legacy Software Rather Than Simply Purchase New Software

Posted on: 18 November 2015

Computers have been around for a long time and have changed rapidly since their introduction. As a result, if you are a business that started in the late nineties or early 2000's, there's a good chance that the software that you currently have is not up to date. It might look old and not be well-styled. It might have security risks that people weren't aware of when the system was designed that have come to the surface recently. It also might not work on the newer computers that you have started running at your company. When you realize that your software is out of date, you have two options. You can either pay a company to create you new software that functions well, looks great, and does the same actions as your old software, or you can pay someone to update your current software so that it meets industry standards. Here are some reasons why you should consider legacy software modernization over brand new software.

1. Old, Legacy Software Gives You an Advantage

People know what software looks like now and what it does. More people are more tech-savvy and will be able to reproduce your systems for a profit. However, legacy systems are more difficult to reproduce by competitors and can give you a competitive advantage. Because they are written in older, uncommonly used languages, these types of software can have special functionality that is nearly impossible to copy. Keep this advantage by having the software updated. When your software is updated, the original language is maintained, meaning that the general inscrutability also is maintained. Having new software made tends to mean that you have your software remade in a newer language, making it easier to copy.

2. Everyone Already Uses It

If you are a large company, everyone that you interact with might already be using this technology. Your vendors who receive and sell your goods overseas and the people who work in offices below yours might directly be using the software everyday. Having it remade could be a hindrance to their productivity because they will have to learn an entire new system. Legacy software modernization allows you to plug the security holes and make the software better without changing how users interact with it.

3. Increase Flexibility

If you are unwilling to change the software that you currently use, then updating it allows you to increase your company's overall flexibility and potential for growth without sacrificing functionality. You want to be able to include features in your software as you come up with them in order to help your business function more smoothly. Old software is difficult to do this with, but legacy software that has been modernized makes this process relatively simple.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in legacy software modernization.
