Reasons To Update Your Legacy Software Rather Than Simply Purchase New Software

Posted on: 18 November 2015

Computers have been around for a long time and have changed rapidly since their introduction. As a result, if you are a business that started in the late nineties or early 2000's, there's a good chance that the software that you currently have is not up to date. It might look old and not be well-styled. It might have security risks that people weren't aware of when the system was designed that have come to the surface recently. [Read More]

What's The Point Of Regular Hardware Maintenance?

Posted on: 24 August 2015

Maintenance is important to keep any equipment running, but the nuances of computer hardware maintenance can be hard to appreciate. Until something goes wrong, many technicians leaving their junior years may neglect maintenance and ignore some warning signs because the problem simply isn't obvious as long as everything is working. To understand the seemingly unrelated symptoms and to avoid cutting vital maintenance practices out of your data center, take the time to understand why it matters and how different techniques can help. [Read More]

Does Your Business Phone System Ring True?

Posted on: 3 August 2015

As a small business owner, you probably learned from the beginning to economize and make do with what was freely available. Bootstrapping, as it's called, is a highly admirable way to start a business when funds are almost non-existent. Once your business is up and running, however, it's time to upgrade your operating systems, and your business phone system is a good place to start. Choose an Expandable System Try not to focus too much on your current needs, and instead focus on your anticipated future needs. [Read More]

Avoiding Brand Loyalty And Processor Selection For Computers

Posted on: 20 July 2015

When building a computer or requesting a custom build, you may be bombarded with many brand suggestions from skilled technicians, hobbyists and brand loyalists at all levels. Some people know what works for them, while others may despise a brand because it failed them. Many people may simply subscribe to tribe mentality and stand behind their brand for no other reason than something to be a part of. To wade through the nonsense and understand what really matters inside your custom rig, take the time to understand a bit of computer design and processor selection philosophy. [Read More]